Christians, we hope you will come and join us in worshiping the Living God! There is a lot to do for the kingdom; so, come GO with us!
For those who have questions, feel free to contact us - it may be that the Holy Spirit would have His way, today, in your life... we welcome any and all who would seek to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
Last Update: 01/25/2014
AWANA is underway!

New Covenant Church exists to glorify God and fulfill His commands.
- Exalt God in all that we do.
- Edify and Equip the Body through sound teaching and selfless sharing.
- Evangelize the world by sharing the Gospel and serving the needy with sacrificial hearts.
New Covenant Church's mission is to carry the Gospel, both in doctrine and in deed, to the whole world. As we go, we will help the needy, make disciples, and train them to join us in this mission. This is all for the glory of God and not ourselves.